
Why is it worth investing in renewable energies (RE)?

Investing in renewable energy offers numerous advantages. Firstly, by installing equipment such as photovoltaic panels , heat pumps or solar panels, we gain access to inexhaustible and free sources of energy. The lifespan of these devices usually exceeds the payback period considerably, so profits can be made after just a few years. This is in contrast to buying a car, whose value decreases over time and whose running costs increase. In addition, renewable energy reduces the cost of building a house, since it does not require large heating systems or fuel storage and does not require the construction of a chimney.


Another advantage of investing in renewable energy is the energy independence of the property. Independence from conventional fuels protects against rising maintenance costs. This is particularly relevant in view of the upcoming liberalization of gas prices for end consumers in 2024. In addition, national regulations are becoming increasingly stricter with regard to the energy efficiency of buildings . Since 2021, compliance with the requirements for the need for non-renewable primary energy has hardly been possible without the use of renewable energy.

The ecological aspect also plays an important role. Awareness of the negative effects of smog and low emissions has increased significantly in society. Many private investors prefer properties in areas without older buildings with high emissions. Emission-free renewable energy installations are therefore the ideal solution for modern buildings.